Finance Protection™

WALKAWAY Finance Protection™

WALKAWAY Finance Protection is a unique program that provides consumers with the financial flexibility they need when an unexpected life event occurs. It offers consumers a cost-effective way of structuring their automotive lease or finance contract so they have options in a time of need. WALKAWAY Finance Protection is the original vehicle return program that pioneered a new industry. WALKAWAY Finance Protection™ products help people get out of vehicle loans and leases when they experience one of the life events the program covers.

How does it work?

You finance or lease a vehicle from an authorized WALKAWAY dealer.

You’ll receive one year of Complimentary coverage if you finance purchase or lease from an authorized WALKAWAY dealer. At the time of financing or leasing, or within 30 days, you can choose to upgrade and extend your coverage for the full-term with more benefits.

Something unexpected happens.

You get sick, suffer an injury, become unemployed, or experience another covered life-changing event and can no longer keep up with your loan or lease payments.

You return your vehicle.

With your Complimentary coverage, you can use up to $7,500 as a credit to make up the difference between what you still owe on the vehicle and the depreciated value of the vehicle. If you chose to upgrade your coverage, you may be able to keep your car, while WALKAWAY covers your payments up to a certain amount, depending on your level of coverage.

What’s covered?

WALKAWAY Finance Protection™ covers 12 real-life events. Depending on your level of coverage, these unexpected events would be covered:

Coverage when you need it most

WALKAWAY Finance Protection™ will appeal to anyone who finances or leases a vehicle.
Everyone qualifies for the Complimentary coverage regardless of age, health condition, or employment record.

The unique features and benefits of WALKAWAY Finance Protection™:

No limit on the amount being financed for the vehicle.

Coverage term is up to 96 months for new and used vehicles either leased or financed.

No pre-existing health

No medical examinations, no ‘good health statements,’ or health questionnaires.

No age limits for the 12-month Complimentary plan.

Age eligibility is 80 years less a day for full-term coverage.

We like options

We understand that everyone’s needs are different. We have a variety of options that allow you to extend your WALKAWAY protection for the full term of your loan or lease, enhance your protection to cover more unexpected life events, and even add Payment Relief® to help keep you in your vehicle through difficult times.

We have your back

We've protected over $12B worth of debt internationally.
$ 0 B
We've helped settle over $130M worth of debt
across Canada.
$ 0 M

We believe in transparency

If you want to learn more about our WALKAWAY Finance Protection, read our industry-leading disclosure statement. This is a document designed to provide a comprehensive, plain language explanation of our programs and products, allowing consumers to make informed decisions regarding the purchase of our products.

Here’s what customers have to say about WALKAWAY Finance Protection™

Insurance Insight Inc.

4.8 319 reviews

This represents a summary of coverages and does not form a part of the certificate of insurance. Please consult your certificate for complete details regarding how you qualify.  Employment-related coverages (excluding disability) begin on the 91st day. *International Job Transfer is not available to residents of Alberta or Saskatchewan. †Accidental Death is not available to residents of British Columbia. ‡Self Employed Bankruptcy is not available to residents of Saskatchewan. Insurance Insight Inc. is the brokerage, and Trisura Guarantee Insurance Company and The Empire Life Insurance Company are the insurers of WALKAWAY Finance Protection™. Copyright © 2021, under licence to Insurance Insight Inc. All rights reserved, unauthorized use, reproduction, or disclosure is prohibited.